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These are the new game options on LG TVs

That gamers have been the biggest beneficiaries this year in reference to the television market is a reality. The firms, the most and the least, have put their batteries in this regard offering new specifications, features and functions so that you can get addicted to their TVs, as it is something that is in great demand. In this case we are going to see the news about a top brand. These are the new game options on LG TVs.

What are the new game options on LG TVs?

Although their televisions already include everything, having even been awarded at the beginning of the year, at LG they have considered that taking a few more steps to dive into the gaming universe would be good. Let’s see what they’ve done now.

Cloud gaming services

LG is renewed not with one but with two services of this type.

Utomik Cloud begins with a hundred games chosen from among those that have seen the light thanks to them and that already add up to more than 1,300. All of them are for PC and cover numerous genres, including indie.

This is what Utomik looks like

Blacknut for its part puts at our disposal, in conjunction with LG , of course, 500 titles among which there are computer games but also console games, standing out. a good number of simulators Offers the option of creating profiles and includes family-friendly premium content.

Its two applications are expected to be available “in the coming months, no more is said. It could be a nice Christmas detail. What is necessary is that your LG TV has versions 6.0 or 22 of webOS.

interface updates

On the other hand, the interface including Gaming Shelf is updated. This is a section available in the main interface that will take you to the specific games of the two platforms that we have just mentioned, as well as others that you already have integrated.


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