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Can Apple Arcade be connected to Apple TV?
Can Apple Arcade be connected to Apple TV?
Can Apple Arcade be connected to Apple TV?


Can Apple Arcade be connected to Apple TV?

Would you be interested in connecting Apple Arcade to Apple TV ? If possible, we would all like to have the service on our television, but since this cannot happen, the alternative is to do it on Apple TV and have it connect to our TV.

How to connect Apple Arcade to Apple TV?

Just as there is special compatibility between Steam and Samsung smartTVs , the Apple Arcade combo on an Apple TV is wonderful , the most genuine and compatible way to enjoy Apple’s video game service from the big screen in our living room. or our bedroom. And, with such interesting titles, who says no to this idea?

141 techweek

Some of the titles you can play on TV with Apple Arcade

But let’s get to what matters, step by step. How do we do it?

  1. Turn on your smart TV. Your Apple TV device must be connected to this, of course.
  2. With the smartbox remote open the general menu .
  3. Click on the Apple Arcade icon . In fact, it has its own icon.
  4. If necessary, update your devices.
  5. Open the Apple Arcade app.
  6. Sign in with the ID of the Apple Arcade subscription you want to start.
  7. If you wish, also connect an Xbox or PlayStation controller, as both are compatible.

Can’t Apple Arcade be installed on the TV directly?

As I announced at the beginning, this is not possible. As it is an Apple service, it must be linked to one of the firm’s compatible devices (in this case the Apple TV smart box) and from this, now, to the television.

To clarify, although we have access to the Apple TV+ app, we must remember that this is not access to our space on Apple or similar. It is about the streaming TV that the company offers, but only that. The application does not give access to anything other than TV content, as long as you have an active subscription to said service, which has nothing to do with Apple Arcade.

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